The objectives of the Specialised Youth Service Programmes (SYSP) are to empower “youth at risk” by instilling positive attitudinal and behavioural change while providing the opportunity for obtaining academic and technical/vocational qualifications.
The objectives of SYSP are:
a) To enhance the capacity of young persons to become productive and well
balanced citizens;
b) To train and develop the skills and competencies of young persons in a
range of academic, technical and skills based vocational fields;
c) To improve the sense of civic-mindedness of young professionals utilising their inherent skills in national community service.
Our Background
The Government of Trinidad and Tobago in its recognition that a significant number of youth between the ages of fourteen (14) to thirty (30) years are “Youth at Risk”, and in need of social intervention strategy/mechanisms, have set out to transform and engender in them –
An understanding of the value and benefits of giving back to communities through selfless service;
An understanding of the value of instruction and acceptance of personal responsibility to enable their attainment of a full certificates of secondary education; and
training, development and certification to employable standards, their craft, artisan, artistic and entrepreneurial skills, while inculcating in them via prolonged exposure to a quasi-military environment, a sense of social respect for authority.
In this regard, the Government has agreed to the continuation of the existing, and the implementation of an additional voluntary specialised military-led youth Programme. This Programme collectively, are known under the umbrella name of the Specialised Youth Service Programmes (SYSP) and fall under the auspices of the Ministry of National oaf Security and for management by the Trinidad and Tobago Defence Force, presently engaged in advancing their process of implementation.
SYSP is therefore the name given to the Trinidad and Tobago Defence Force’s unified umbrella organisation responsible for the management of the two (2) Specialised Youth Service Programmes, with the term “Specialised” referring to the military-based nature of the programmes:
To be Trinidad and Tobago's key provider of 'Specialised Youth Intervention' programmes that target for adjustment, early inclinations and tendencies towards indisciplined deviant behaviour, with an intent to impart healthy social attitudes and behaviour, developing as it does so latent and potential competencies, with the overall aim of improving in young nationals, their senses of civic-mindedness and commitment towards serving the wider national community.
To manage train and influence in structured and disciplined environments the development of young persons using quasi-military approaches to instill senses of civic mindedness whilst preparing them for the world of work.